Why is club data missing on some shots? for TM for E6Golf 1.6
The main reason for not showing club data at some shots is that if not 100% of the data is captured on a given shot, all data on that shot is rejected automatically. As the saying goes; no club data is better than inaccurate club data.
1. Setup of radar not optimal: Make sure the ball is hit from within the blue box and the distance from radar to ball is within our requirements.
2. Impact is too close or too far away from the TrackMan (Optimal distance is 7-9')
3. Impact is too far right or left of the TrackMan. Watch the video on radar placement in the Tutorial section, if you have doubt about this.
4. You are hitting off turf and the divot is causing excess radar noise. Try hitting of a golf mat instead (it’s very common to do so)
5. Swing direction far left (right handed player)
6. The club is a short iron. When hitting short irons, the smash factor becomes closer to 1.0, which means the club and ball are traveling away from the radar at similar speeds, which makes it harder to capture (pure) club numbers.
7. The shot was a mishit, producing a low smash factor
8. For indoor usage only: Metallic dot not used correctly
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