No Ball Detected within TruFlight 2

No Ball Detected within TruFlight 2

you are finding that the indicator is stating No Ball Detected and are unable to get this to change over to Ready by moving the golf ball.

Potential Causes:
1. Your Club Camera may have shifted out of position and needs to be physically adjusted back into place
2. You may need to reprocess the Club Camera calibration steps


  • Begin by opening the TruFlight 2 Utility.

1. Click on the blue Gears icon on the home screen
2. Click on the Simulator tab in the list on the left side of the screen, then look to the right side and make sure that TruFlight 2 is selected as the tracking system and click on Configure
3. A window will appear, click on the Launch option to open the utility

  • Place a golf ball in the center between the 2 black dots on the hitting mat in the area where full shots are taken from
  • Once you have launched the utility you will want to Select Show Club Camera which is the the top option in the upper tight corner of the screen
  • After clicking Show Club Camera you will see a Start button just to the left of where you selected Show Club Camera, click on the Start button
  • The club camera view will open is the top left of the utility and this is a live camera view. You should be seeing the ball in centered at the bottom of the window with just the back portion of the golf ball visible like this:

If you see the ball in proper position then skip down this article to the steps for calibrating the Club Camera

  • If you do not see a ball at all or it is not in the proper position then you will need to adjust the Club Camera which is attached to the light bank overhead
  • You will need the TruFlight 2 Calibration Grid for this. There are 3 holes punched out of the grid that line up with the 3 black dots painted on the hitting mat, so set the grid down with the dots lined up with the holes

  • Once the mat is in position you will need to make an adjustment in order to read the Grid in the camera window. Find the Club Camera Gain slider found near the middle of the utility window:

Take note of the value that this is set to because you will next turn the slider all the way down to 0 so that you can see the grid clearly in the camera window and after you have the camera in position you will need to return the slider back to the value that it was set to originally

  • You will need to adjust the camera until you view matches the photo below. You should be seeing only the portion of the golf ball that overlaps into the black squares of the grid and this should be centered at the bottom of the window with the lines of the grid being as straight as possible vertically:

  • Once you have the camera in position remove the grid and return the Club Camera Gain slider to the original value and move on to calibrating the Club Camera.


Once you have launched the utility you will want to Select Show Club Camera
After clicking Show Club Camera you will see a Start button just to the left of where you selected Show Club Camera, click on the Start button which is boxed in Black in the photo below, the other steps will reference the other markings on the photo:

Step 1: Make sure there is no golf ball seen in the Club Camera window (boxed in Green) and click on the Focus/GS button (boxed in Magenta) below the camera window and let this run for a few seconds and then click the Accept button below and to the right (boxed in Purple).

Step 2. With the Club Camera window still clear of a golf ball, click on the Focus/GS button again and then place a ball in the center of the window (an arrow points to the center of the window in the picture). Let this run for a few seconds and then click the Accept button more directly below (boxed in Yellow).

At that point you should see the ball snap down into the position that the ball in the picture is and see that the ball is detected in the utility, then Save the changes by click on the Save Changes button circled in Red.

  • Now you are ready for some test shots. Place the ball between the 2 black dots again and look to the lower right corner next to where you Save changes. When the ball is detected you will see text stating Ball Located there, you may need to move the ball further back an inch or two. This Ball Located indicator is the same as in the game so if you are seeing the Ball Located here then you will see the Ready indicator in the game.

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