If you are seeing this error message it is because the sensitivity on the Truflight Cameras need to be readjusted. This is to allow the ball to be seen and not blend in with the background.
Note: This is part of a regular maintenance and will have to be conducted regularly.
1. Run the TruFlight utiltiy software on the computer.
• If you do not have the Truflight utility icon on the desktop it can be found here. C:\Program Files\TruGolf\E6 Golf 1.6
2. With the TruFlight utility software running on the computer, click the Refresh Cameras button (in the upper-right corner).
3. Select the GS Value checkbox.
4. Move the mouse cursor in the center of the lighted area onscreen (the area under the camera housing, illuminated by the infra-red lights in the housing). a. As you do, note the values shown in the GS Value box
5. For best results, the GS Value should be just under 100. If the GS Value is too high or low, move the Camera Gain slider left or right, click the Refresh Cameras button and then move the mouse cursor around the lighted area while noting the GS Value numbers. a. For more precise adjustments, click on the Camera Gain slider, and then use the left/right arrows on the keyboard.
6. Set the GS Threshold slider to 125.
7. Click the other (right or left) camera button and repeat.