There are three generations of the Sinden LightGun.
You can determine a Generation 3 from the SindenLightgun software.
Be sure the LightGun is plugged into the PC
Launch the Sinden LightGun Software (Lightgun.exe)
In the “Select Lightgun” Tab
“Refresh” if more than one lightgun has been used and “Select Lightgun”
Choose “Get Lightgun info”
Look at the “CameraName”
If the Name is “SindenCamera<x>”---this is a Generation 1 or 2 Lightgun
IF the Name is “SindenCam<x>”---this is a Generation 3 Lightgun
When you start a Lightgun Game, the program will launch the appropriate Sinden Software for the gun in hand.
Leave the game running, and bring up the Sinden Sofware (it’s likely hidden in the Windows Taskbar)
The border should be visible as the game is running. If not, be sure to turn the boarder on as shown below:
If you are having difficulty bringing up the Taskbar with Wildwest running you can access the software with alternative method:
You will make your changes under “Camera Controls”
Turn on the following, to help you make the adjustments.
Left View Window: “Show Raw Video”
This just helps you see what the camera is seeing
Right View Window: “Show Processed Video”
Right View Window: “Show Rectangle”
This helps you understand what the camera believes is the screen.
Your Goal Here is to ensure the screen is solidly represented by the BLUE Rectangle.
Focus on Exposure/Brightness/ and Contrast controls. (Note there are not predefined numbers you will have to adjust by making small changes incrementally and test)
Once you have what you want be sure to “Save Settings”
This is above the “Processed Image” Window.
Using built in defaults can be tried and maybe helpful, but defaults like “Bright Sunlight” can actually diminish gun functionality. (Use with Caution)
NOTE: These steps can help dial this in from non-functional to working system.
But users may still notice jitter in the crosshairs and if you have showing them that is body movement. The below may apply.
There is an “Anti Jitter” option in the Configuration Window---we’ve not found it helpful, and it could reduce performance.
This is a camera system, and basically, we’re looking at projected light to register the shot.
If the projection is washed out, or marginally brighter than surrounding structures, it can be difficult to dial in the configuration of the gun so keep in mind your preparation checklist.
You can go into your mouse setting and increase mouse pointer speed to help with responsiveness (though this may not always help and it does affect normal mouse movement)