You can access the game via Product Launcher (Note with new releases users may get a notice about needing an update so the game will then be seen).
Once updated, the HOOPS option will appear in the Product Launcher Carousel.
- Then to play, Select/Download/Install/and Play
HOOPS is a basketball game with 3 Modes of Play and 3 Difficulty Levels
- This is a 3-Point Game with 5 stations and 25 balls
- Points are awarded for making the 3-point shot, making a "swish", and for maintaining a streak
- This game follows the same GAME NIGHT themes seen in Quaterbacks, Inside Heat, and Field Goal Frenzy
- There is a shot clock at each station, clock starts when you throw the first ball.
- A Classic Short Shot Arcade Game
- Each shot made is worth 10pts, with 100 bonus points for each “swish”
- Users are given 12 balls
- No Timers.
- There are “Fast Break” opportunities where the hoop moves, and point multipliers are present.
- No time limits, no pressure.
- Practice on an urban neighborhood court and get a feel for how to throw the ball in HOOPS
How to Throw the Ball
- You can throw the basketball normally, albeit with a lower arch than you might on an actual court. (limitations of our space)
- Be centered (left/right) in the booth, and maybe take one small step forward from your normal tee position.
- This is primarily done to prevent the ISC from being hit.
We should acknowledge that by nature of our installations, users won't be able to arch a 3-point shot naturally.
User will want to pay attention to their overhead equipment and even their own booth structure and ceilings.
With that in mind, we purposefully struck the ISC and APOGEE systems with a basketball a number of times (over 120times for the APOGEE alone)
And though care should be taken, the equipment held up wonderfully, and was not damaged.
· The plastic face of APOGEE was ultimately broken requiring replacement, but ONLY after a direct and excessively hard shot. And it's worth noting, the APOGEE continued to work perfectly
Users will be presented with this Load Screen

- ISC users have the option to purchase equipment, this equipment comes with a (mostly) white soccer ball
- For Basketball, we highly recommend using a white soccer ball.
- The lighter color will help with detection
- Using the Soccer ball also means fewer pieces of equipment to maintain and source in a commercial environment
One of the goals for our small team is to try to do something better with each game.
Michael added three new features we hope users will like.
- Perpetual Player Roster
- Now when you enter players and difficulty settings, those settings are saved for subsequent play across modes of play (3) for that session.
This just means that while in the game, you won't have to keep adding the same players over and over.
- Now when you finish a game, you can quit to the main menu, and maybe play another mode, or
You can PLAY AGAIN, and immediately jump right back into the same game you just played.--supper fun
- Leaderboard improvements
- You can now sort leaderboards between modes of play AND difficulty settings
- You can also clear individual leaderboards.
- Why is this nice? – If you have a BDay party with little ones, clear the EASY Mode Leaderboard, and let them fill the leaderboard themselves.
A new Version of the Product Launcher is required for release.
- This update ONLY adds HOOPS to the Launcher
You can Fine-Tune the Hoops calibration just like you do in INSIDE HEAT
In the SETTINGS Menu, Look for CALIBRATE and Follow the Instructions
- We suggest you use the hard INSIDE HEAT baseball for calibration.
Like INSIDE HEAT, this calibration tuning, is ONLY for HOOPS, and is not reflected in other games.