Offline Mode allows users to continue play in E6 CONNECT without an internet connection.
Some features will be unavailable.
Offline Mode triggers automatically when you start E6 CONNECT without an internet connection.
You will need to connect to the E6 Connect server after a certain number of sessions have been used.
(A “session” is consumed each time you start the game in Offline Mode.)
If you look at the offline dialogs that will come up, you can determine how many sessions remain before you need to connect the game to our servers again.
To connect to the servers make sure you PC or iOS device is connected to the internet, and start the game.
This will re-license the game and refresh the number of sessions still available.
It will also upload any saved data.
You want to leave the game on the Main Menu for 3 or more minutes.
After that, you can exit the game, reconnect your tracking hardware, and continue to play in Offline Mode.
If you’ve expired all the OffLine Mode Sessions...your only option will be Limited Mode--this mode will not allow you to play with your Tracking System.
If you have a WiFi connected tracking system, like the FlightScope Mevo+, you may find yourself forced to use Offline Mode.
There are a variety of peripheral devices available for Apple iOS that can allow you to connect to your internet freeing the WiFi for your Tracking System, such as a Ethernet USB Dongle.
Here is an example: