SYMPTOMS You get a warning after downloading E6 CONNECT: “Isn’t Commonly Downloaded” You get a warning installing E6 CONNECT: “Make Sure you Trust....” You get a warning installing E6 CONNECT: “Windows Protected Your PC” REASON: Microsoft is trying ...
E C 21 May 2021, 13:55 E6 CONNECT is crashing when you attempt to load a course. Note This may only be happening on some courses and might be seen when taking a shot There could be a few reasons why this is happening. Below is a list that have been ...
Symptoms: The E6 CONNECT software crashes loading a course Some courses may work, while other are crashing This is nearly always (PC) because the computer does not meet our PC Requirements PC SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Intel i5 Processor 8GB RAM Nvidia 1070 ...
Resend Activation Email Missing the E6 Activation. Not seeing your E6 Connect license. Unable to Login to E6 Connect 1. Go to 2. Click on the “ Resend Email ” Box in the bottom right of the screen to resend the activation email.
Symptoms: You Don’t Find the Colors as Vivid in E6 CONNECT as you did in E6 Golf 1.6x You want to see if there are methods to improve the image quality of E6 CONNECT Why does E6Golf and E6 CONNECT look so different? E6 CONNECT is different from the ...