4K Resolution in E6 Connect

4K Resolution in E6 Connect

4K is defined as: 3840 x 2160 pixels.
4K is a 16:9 image ratio

The resolution of the game is determined by your Video Card and Projector settings.
It’s likely the Video Card and Projector will support different resolutions.
The overlap of Resolutions supported by both your Video Card and Projector, is where the game will reside.

The game is theoretically capable of running at whatever resolution your video card can handle. We’ve never tested the limits.
We run the game regularly at 8K (on an i7 with a 1080ti video card)

The Quality of a 4K image has many variables.

  • The quality of the Projector (laser tends to be better than bulb)
  • The quality of the screen (image quality tends to be inversely proportional to durability. You will need to find a middle-ground, the best screens for image quality won’t resist the impact of multiple golf balls)
  • The amount of ambient light...too much light can wash out a projected image
  • The distance from the screen you view the image. Images will pixelate as you get closer.
  • The size of the projected image. As you increase the projection the pixel density decreases, and so, the image quality.
  • ...more

In a live-action movie, the detail level of each object frame texture is consistent across the board, and determined by the lens capturing the full entire image at once.

In a game, each individual object is mapped with it’s own texture (with it’s own pixel density) and rendered independently.
This means individual objects can more/less detailed based on a variety of variables.

The “2.0 Courses” have all been upgraded to improve the textures and pixel densities.
These are the courses that will look the best in the game.

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